Equis’ Latino Playbook: Media Consumption Report

December 2, 2023
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To engage Latinos well, campaigns and organizations must first understand where Latinos consume news and information. Media consumption data can help practitioners answer important questions to shape their voter contact programs.This month, Equis is releasing the latest on Latino news consumption, which we’re giving you early access to here.  The report helps answer several important questions like:

  • What do Latino audiences watch/consume?
  • Where should we be targeting our messages?
  • How do we reach “hard-to-reach” subgroups?
  • What sites or placements should we include in my digital media plan?
  • Should we be investing in Spanish radio?
  • What platforms should we be investing in for organic digital content?
  • Is it better to spend more on fewer platforms or to be on as many platforms as possible?
  • Which audiences are we missing with our current approach/tactics?
  • What kind of Latinos consume TV news vs. digital news?
  • Who do we miss if we run a basic digital program (YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram only)?
  • Where are Spanish dominants consuming news outside of Spanish-language TV and radio?

For this project, our team combined data from 19 Equis State Series surveys (a mix of live-dial, text-to-web, and online panel interviews) and one online panel test from late 2021 and 2022 to look at overall news consumption trends for registered Latino voters across the country. In cases where we identified respondents who took part in multiple surveys, we only kept one response, prioritizing the instance with the most complete answers. The total number of Latino respondents included in this report is 16,187.

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We work toward a more sophisticated understanding of the experiences, issue preferences, and political identities of Latino and Hispanic voters.

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Stay in the loop with Equis

Equis is a set of organizations working to create a better understanding of Latinos, innovate new approaches to reach and engage them, and invest in the leadership and infrastructure for long-term change and increased engagement.

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